PS Workflow

Workflow is a diagram of how business information moves among workers and the operations required to process that information  as it moves. With PaperStore Workflow the work process is reduced into steps and dependencies. Intelligent document routing is the most crucial component of the PaperStore Workflow solution. Intelligent routing designates the next person in the process that must receive the document's or work. This forwarding process can be accomplished in any number of ways, from elaborate process models to ad hoc configurations. PaperStore Workflow software can provide facilities the ability to track the flow of work throughout the process. The flow of work can be tracked and reported, so audit trails can be produced and managers can follow a work's progress.  

Workflows range from simple to very complex.  The majority of workflow applications are basic document routing applications. (more about document routing) Expense approvals, purchase requisitions, invoice payment approvals and vacation/holiday requests are good examples.  When accomplished with traditional paper-based systems, these processes consume a great deal of time for managers and support staff. However, every hour of staff time spent on paper-based administration is an hour of productive time lost. Time is money, and clearly paper-pushing equates to substantial expenses. When viewed in this light, intelligent document routing becomes critical. Rather than attempting to utilize internal e-mail to distribute documents, which is ineffective at best, PaperStore Workflow routes the necessary documents to the proper person prompting them that work has arrived. Once the necessary action has been taken it can be easily forwarded to the next person in the process. In summary, PaperStore Workflow electronically replaces the inefficiencies bound to a paper based system, giving management much more control of the process.


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